25 Signs Someone Has Lost Touch With Reality
Everybody likes to think they come across as sane and normal. But we know that's not the case!
There are plenty of signs someone has lost all touch with reality. To make sure you come across as normal, be sure to avoid all of these weird warning signs.
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One of my relatives "Joined the Illuminati" on Facebook.... On. Facebook. He was really serious too and excited about it. -u/deadpuppet01 -
I remember a while back I read a post about a man who refused to wipe after number 2 because he believed no man should have anything touch him there.... I remember vividly thinking "how out of touch with reality do you have to be to have such a belief?" I am still occasionally haunted by this stranger. -u/GlassBear1609 -
I'm a 911 operator and had a man call 911 because the internet at the hotel he was staying at got disconnected. I told him it was not a police issue and he would have to talk to the hotel staff and/or just wait for it to reboot. He responded, "Not a police issue? This is criminal. If I unplugged someone's life support, isn't that a crime?" -u/nocreamjustsugar -
Working for a super-wealthy client who lived in the most expensive gated neighborhood in the country... A Walled community, filled with old money and old political families, and he was complaining about "the elites" who the heck do you think you are? Joe 6 pack? -u/stinkload -
Showed a parent the security footage of her 8th grader hitting a teacher. She claimed the footage had been edited. Sigh….. -u/lucy_pevensie -
"Nobody has ever died from rationing their insulin, nobody" - My FIL. That was an odd take of his, I'm still kinda puzzled over it. People have died doing almost anything. He didn't think they died from rationing something that costs hundreds of dollars per week though. -u/Adventurous_Bed_6151 -
I’ve genuinely heard someone comment on a homeless person asking why they “don’t just get a home”… -u/jjustpeachyy -
My old boss was railing on me for placing an order late and getting charged more after missing the ‘early bird special’, when I had been reminding her consistently for at least two months (gradually increasing my urgency that she needed to make up her mind). She was yelling at me and then said, “$$$ might not seem like a lot to you but it is to me!” This coming from the person who set my wage, signed my checks, owned 4 substantial homes, had MILLIONS of dollars worth of artwork, designer everything, etc… While I was living in a 250sq foot garden studio apartment with my partner, which flooded when it rained longer than two days, making her hundreds of thousands of dollars from sales, with no commission. Wow, I didn’t realize I needed that rant. -u/Estimate_Me -
Me: telling someone I’m a type 1 diabetic Rando: “you shouldn’t have eaten so much sugar as a child” -u/BiBrarian3811 -
Former roommate declared, "I'm an only child, that means I don't have to be nice if I don't want to." -u/StoneCold_SteveIrwin -
There are a lot of older fugly apartment buildings near the house I grew up in. My friend at the time that lived a very privileged lifestyle, $200-300+ weekly weekend dinners with the family, timeshares over the place, skiing and snowboarding trips, etc. She was like why would anyone want to live in these apartments? I would never I was like, people that live there don't have a choice... -u/OnfiyA -
Pretty much any time I see someone yelling at a Starbucks or other service employee. They come into a crowded shop, wave their big $5 bill around like a high roller, then yell at a 16-year-old for making their coffee incorrectly. Lame. If you find yourself to be one of the people yelling at service workers, fix your own problems before telling other people what to do. -u/Choontz -
Once got in an argument with a girl that people would rather die of starvation than eat something that's carcinogenic. I asked if she was seriously saying people would choose to starve to death over the course of a month than risk potentially developing cancer in a few years and she said yes. I asked if she'd ever gone an entire day without eating before or knew what that felt like. she hadn't. -u/I_Love_Small_Breasts -
I’m a nanny and I’ve worked for some rich clients. Old money. These people know nothing about reality. The best one I heard was this family I was working 12 hour days for. Good pay, terrible schedule. At one point I was bouncing their baby on my knee and the Mom goes “Being a mom isn’t that hard. I don’t know why other women complain about it so much”. While her nanny is literally caring for the baby. -u/cleaning-meaning -
When my boss said, “My word is better than getting it in writing.” I can think of several instances where they’ve promised something or given their word on only to later renege on the deal. -u/haimburglar -
I heard someone yesterday suggest that children should operate heavy machinery to address supply shortages. Turns out that guy happened to be the fricken prime minister. -u/tabletennis6 -
Some guy whose parents paid for his college tuition mentioned to a coworker who has $107,000 in student loans say he should be able to pay it off in 5 years. Coworker makes $23 an hour on 5-8s. -u/dtarno99 -
A friend of mine in college was absolutely shocked when I and several other friends pulled out our childhood/hometown public library cards at dinner one night. She could not fathom that all of our families went to the library regularly when we were growing up and that this is an extremely common experience for a lot of people. When I asked her what she did when she wanted to read books growing up, she said "My family just bought them all." -u/layceelee13 -
Wharton students were interviewed asking what they though the average income was. 25% said 6 figures. The same question was asked at a local community college and the collective agreement was $15k -u/_b4billy_ -
Went to a super-rich girls house, she had had a baby 2 months prior, she had nannies coming in and out maids and a literal house manager plus PAs, etc. and she was bragging about how she was back at work so soon and how she doesn’t know how people can stand doing ‘nothing’ for so long. -u/Manolinni -
My ex's mom believed that during Easter ghosts can travel between our world and the spirit world. She legit started seeing and hearing them because she thought her apartment and her spiritual personality attracted them. She hyped herself up so much that she had to leave her apartment for a couple of days and seek refuge at her sister's house. She didn't bring her cat with her. I suppose she thought the ghosts would feed him. -u/red_cricket7 -
Sophomore year of high school, in my biology class, this one girl got into a conversation about what causes the winter season with the teacher. And she goes, “winter happens because the sun turns cold, right?” Honestly, I’m still having trouble processing that one, and it’s been eight years. -u/Remote-Principler543 -
Dude I used to be friends with said that all of human history and scientific discovery was full of BS because women (as a group) sat down together and came up with a plan to destroy men/the natural way of life in the 60s and had their simps rewrite everything. -u/GlassBirdLamp -
"I'm entitled to my opinion" when presented with facts showing they were wrong. -u/So_Many_Words -
Billionaires and multimillionaires singing 'Imagine' while sitting in their gigantic mansions largely unaffected by the pandemic. -u/ShawshankException
- 25 Signs Someone Has Lost Touch With Reality
One of my relatives "Joined the Illuminati" on Facebook.... On. Facebook. He was really serious too and excited about it. -u/deadpuppet01